Bridging Health Policy and Practice

Partnering to improve the healthcare system and expand access to care.


Access to healthcare is critical. Providers, their staff and organizations work tirelessly to care for patients. Public and private payers spend countless resources on medical care and administrative costs. And, despite these resources, medical care is delivered in a system that is not provider or patient-friendly, often with suboptimal outcomes. Some in our communities lack access to routine medical care at all. 

Researchers and policymakers have innovative, evidence-based ideas to improve the system, but it can be challenging to bring them to action in a sustainable manner.

We can do better.  My small business was born out of the desire to link policy and practice through pilot projects, programs and practical initiatives that improve access to medical care.


Clients call us to collaborate on:

Program Planning and Development

Assess needs, set priorities and design actionable plans for small initiatives or large-scale programs


Gather feedback and build partnerships through purposeful outreach and collaboration

Research and

Analyze complex subjects from various viewpoints, summarize and translate information for a variety of audiences

Ad hoc

Step into exisiting engagements with respect for your client relationships and their organizations

Get In Touch

If you are seeking a partner to advance your current goals or to develop new initiatives, let’s connect.

Contact Us